Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Thought I'd give everyone a heads-up about a poetry event to kick off National Poetry Month here in Colorado Springs:

To launch April as National Poetry Month, Pikes Peak Poet Laureate Jim Ciletti will host an All City All Voices poetry event at 6:30, Monday evening April 2, in the Carnegie Room of the Penrose Library downtown. "We will release the new version of Poetry While You Wait and have readings from many of the PWYW poets. We will also hold our first ever multi-cultural bi-lingual poetry event. We have many nationalities and ethnic communities in the Pikes Peak region . This All Voices poetry event is an opportunity for everyone to share and celebrate their particular ethnicity and cultural roots. For example, I will share poems in both Italian and English. So, whether you speak an Asian Pacific language, Native American, have African American roots, German, Nordic, Hispanic, Russian, Middle Eastern, etc etc, this is your invitation to share poems in both your ethnic language and English. Everyone is welcome," Ciletti said. Reservations to perform are not necessary but Jim would like your RSVP to read at or 634-2367.

To support and celebrate our multi-cultural community the latest version of Poetry While You Wait also has poems in several language.
The Poetry While You Wait booklet originated with Emeritus Poet Laureate, Aaron Anstett and is filled with poems by residents of the Pikes Peak region. PWYW will be placed as a free reading copy in public places where we "wait," like doctors' and dentist's offices, the car repair store, tire store, DMV, etc. Free copies of PWYW will be available at the All City reading.

Monday, March 5, 2012



This Friday, March 9th, at 7:30pm, the Colorado Springs Writers Reading Series will host poet Kitty Jospe, in town from Rochester, New York. Besides having her work collected in a recent book (Cadences) from Foothills Publishers, Kitty is also an accomplished pianist, community member, and French linguist. Everyone who attends this reading is bound to be warmed by Kitty's heartfelt presentation and accessibility.

Last month, CSWRS hosted L. Annette Binder, who graciously offered free copies of her forthcoming book, Rise, to the first five people to sign up. The list filled quickly, and I'm happy to tell those of you who weren't able to get your name on there: Annette has sent three small copies of One Story: Nephilim to sell at this month's reading. Note that there are only three of them, and they're first come first served. It's a tidy publication that's yours for $10.

The energy from Annette's reading still hasn't quite worn off of me yet. She had us hooked, wound up in her title character Freda's vivid childhood shaped by gigantism: its realities and its deep pathways into the imagination.

I thought I'd post some of the photos from the reading, taken by photography student Mary Rose. There are a couple good shots from various points in the evening, including Annette's reading as well as the Open Mic portion and the minutes in between. Thank you, Mary Rose!

M.R. Hyde, previous featured author and February Open Mic participant

Julie Shavin, Poetry West, Open Mic participant

Dan Gardner, Open Mic participant and author of The ESL Dating Diaries

Myself, with Annette

The one and only L. Annette Binder, reading from Nephilim

See you all this Friday at 7:30PM. Have a great week!

Abby E. Murray
CSWRS Coordinator