Next month's reading is scheduled for Friday, September 17th, at 7:30pm. Same place, Black Cat Books in Manitou, and hopefully parking won't be so crazy without the marathoners in the neighborhood! I think we might have a crowd of students at September's reading, considering the awesome extra credit power these events hold in college classrooms, so get there early. And if you're a writer, bring some work to read for Open Mic!
Here are a couple pictures from last night.
Jenn Koiter, poet, behind the podium-disguised-as-music-stand.
The crowd, which, although cozy, enjoyed the browsing, the wine, and the intimacy that Black Cat Books provides. Thank you, Natalie! We support our indy bookshops!
Tim Christian, who, as usual, delights us during Open Mic with his fiction.
Hopefully I'll see you as well as more new faces next month! This reading was a total success, in my book, and I can't wait for what happens next.
CSWRS Coordinator