Saturday, July 21, 2012

Poetry Invasion at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center -- Call for Submissions & for Reading Participation!

Interested in participating in a poetry reading on August 17 at the Sange de Cristo Arts Center in Pueblo? The 3rd Place is an exhibition space that changes each month and is largely curated by the public.  The Arts Center is looking for submissions of postcard-sized art and poetry to display, and are also setting up a few readings.  The first will be an open mic on August 3, and a more organized reading on the 17th.

Here are a few links about the 3rd Place and the Poetry Invasion Exhibit, if you'd like more information:

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 2012

Abby Murray rocked the BAC last month!  She read some classics as well as new work from her upcoming chapbook Quickdraw: Poems from a Soldier’s Wife (available at  Binghamton is pretty lucky!  Abby and her baked goods will be missed greatly. 

Tom and Ilene Preble will host a reading on their ranch July 28th from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.  Please bring a piece to read and a dish to pass.  RSVP via email by July 14:  Directions will be sent via email.

The reading series will take a brief nap this summer but will start back up again in September 2012.  Stay tuned for information regarding September’s reading.

Hope you all are safe.


What a fun, talented bunch!