Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi all,

For those of you who haven't heard or read about it, The Poet Spiel will be at the BAC tomorrow evening to perform. I tried to upload the poster, but the darn thing is a PDF and this blog is having none of it.

So, tomorrow night, the BAC, 8pm. Go to for even more info. The art that accompanies the exhibit looks vibrant and clever. However, I've been asked to mention that this is a performance with content for adults only, and those younger than eighteen will not be admitted.

Have fun!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Our last featured author was Danen Jobe, English faculty at Pikes Peak Community College. I had a bunch of great photographers there too, and we had plenty of shots to flip through. Thanks to those of you who were able to make it!

I know you may be getting tired of me saying I have another big announcement for the CSWRS literary community, but I do. Again. You'll have to show up this Friday to hear it!

We'll be hosting poet Jennifer Gutierrez, DU grad student and author of Silence Imbibed, which was recently released by Anaphora Literary Press. She's a gifted poet and warm reader, so I'm looking forward to introducing her to everyone in a couple days.

This month, we will be meeting in Venue 515 (due to an exhibit opening), which is next door to the main gallery at the BAC. There will be a cash bar available and I'm hoping that Orchard Ovens Bakery will be open for us as well - they're situated in the lobby of 515.

I'll see everybody at 7:30pm this Friday, May 11th. I'll leave you with a couple photos from the talented and super sweet Christopher Gilbert. (Thanks, Chris!) I will surely miss this community of writers and artists when I leave Colorado!

Danen Jobe - Featured Author, reading from Niagara Blues

 Althea Smith - Open Mic

 Tom Preble - Open Mic

 Loring Wirbel - Open Mic