Friday, October 22, 2010


Thanks to everyone who made it out to our October event at Black Cat Books last Friday. Laura Feldman, our featured reader, gave us a glimpse of some new poems as well as a selection from her chapbook, Heading for a Change of Light.

If you missed this reading, Laura's book will still be available for purchase at November's reading for $10, and I recommend it-- it's a beautiful book printed by Finishing Line Press, and Laura's poems on the passage from life to death are rooted in the dedication to her father, David H. Feldman, M.D., who passed away in 2007.

(A funny little story? Because Laura is a private practice family practitioner herself, Natalie (owner of Black Cat) had several calls during the past month asking, "Is my doctor really reading at your store? Can I come?") The turnout of local writers, readers, and students was great, and we all enjoyed hearing the work of a poet so closely tied to the community.

Remember, November's featured reader is Aaron Anstett, previous Poet Laureate for the Pikes Peak Region. Be there or be square... or something. November 19th, 7:30pm, at Black Cat in Manitou (720 Manitou Avenue).


CSWRS Coordinator


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hey everyone!

Tomorrow night (Friday, October 15) at 7:30pm, I'll be hosting this month's reading, featuring Laura Feldman as our guest author. Same place as last time: Black Cat Books (720 Manitou Avenue), and there will be books for sale afterward and during the intermission.

Tell your writing buddies. Tell your students. Tell your cats, and I'll see you there.

CSWRS Coordinator